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Required Configuration

The only required configuration option is apiUrl:

laravelSanctum: {
    apiUrl: 'http://laravel-api.test',

Available Options

Here are the available configuration options:

apiUrlThe base URL of the Laravel API.Required
authModeThe authentication mode.'cookie'
appOriginUrlThe current application URL for the Referrer header. (Optional)None
userStateKeyThe key to use to store the authenticated user in the useState variable.'sanctum.authenticated.user'
userResponseWrapperKeyThis option lets you specify the key used to find user data in the response from the sanctumEndpoints.user API.null
token.storageKeyThe key to store the token in storage.'AUTH_TOKEN'
token.providerThe storage provider to use for the token.'cookie'
token.responseKeyThis option specifies the key used to retrieve the authentication token from the response of the sanctumEndpoints.login API.'token'
fetchClientOptions.retryAttemptsNumber of retry attempts for failed requests.false
csrf.cookieNameName of the CSRF cookie.'XSRF-TOKEN'
csrf.headerNameName of the CSRF header.'X-XSRF-TOKEN'
sanctumEndpoints.csrfEndpoint to request a new CSRF token.'/sanctum/csrf-cookie'
sanctumEndpoints.loginEndpoint to authenticate the user.'/login'
sanctumEndpoints.logoutEndpoint to log out the user.'/logout'
sanctumEndpoints.userEndpoint to fetch current user data.'/api/user'
redirect.enableIntendedRedirectKeep the requested route after login.false
redirect.loginPathPath to redirect when access requires authentication.'/login'
redirect.guestOnlyRedirectURL to redirect to when guest access is required.'/'
redirect.redirectToAfterLoginURL to redirect to after a successful login.'/'
redirect.redirectToAfterLogoutURL to redirect to after logout.'/'
middlewareNames.authMiddleware name for authenticated users.'$auth'
middlewareNames.guestMiddleware name for guest users.'$guest'
logLevelLog level for the logger.3

Overriding Configuration

You can easily override any of the above configuration options in your nuxt.config.ts file to suit your application's needs:

export default defineNuxtConfig({
    // List of Nuxt modules to be included
    modules: ["@qirolab/nuxt-sanctum-authentication"],

    laravelSanctum: {
         * The base URL of the Laravel API.
         * @example http://laravel-api.test
         * @required
        apiUrl: 'http://laravel-api.test',

         * Authentication mode: 'cookie' or 'token'
         * - 'cookie' for SPA cookie authentication,
         * - 'token' for API token authentication
         * @default 'cookie'
        authMode: 'cookie',

         * The key to use to store the authenticated user in the `useState` variable.
         * @default 'sanctum.authenticated.user'
        userStateKey: 'sanctum.authenticated.user',

         * This option lets you specify the key used to find user data in the response
         * from the `sanctumEndpoints.user` API.
         * For example:
         * - If the API response looks like `{ data: { ... } }`, you should set
         *   `userResponseWrapperKey` to `'data'` to access the user information.
         * - If the response is `{ data: { user: { ... } } }`, then use
         *   `userResponseWrapperKey` as `'data.user'` to get the user object.
         * This makes it easy to work with different formats of API responses.
         * @type {null | string}
         * @default null
        userResponseWrapperKey: 'data';

         * The token specific options.
        token: {
             * The key to store the token in the storage.
             * @default 'AUTH_TOKEN'
            storageKey: 'AUTH_TOKEN',

             * The storage provider to use for the token.
             * Options: 'cookie' or 'localStorage'
             * @default 'cookie'
            provider: 'cookie',

             * This option specifies the key used to retrieve the authentication token
             * from the response of the `sanctumEndpoints.login` API.
             * By default, this key is set to `'token'`. If your API response uses a
             * different key for the token, you can change this option to match it.
             * For example, if your API response looks like this:
             * ```
             * {
             *   "data": {
             *     "auth_token": "your_token_here"
             *   }
             * }
             * ```
             * You would set `responseKey` to `'data.auth_token'` to access the token.
             * @type {string}
             * @default 'token'
            responseKey: 'token';

         * OFetch client specific options.
        fetchClientOptions: {
             * The number of times to retry a request when it fails.
             * @default false
            retryAttempts: false,

         * CSRF token specific options.
        csrf: {
             * Name of the CSRF cookie to extract from server response.
             * @default 'XSRF-TOKEN'
            cookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN',

             * Name of the CSRF header to pass from client to server.
             * @default 'X-XSRF-TOKEN'
            headerName: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN',

         * Laravel Sanctum API endpoints.
        sanctumEndpoints: {
             * The endpoint to request a new CSRF token.
             * @default '/sanctum/csrf-cookie'
            csrf: '/sanctum/csrf-cookie',

             * The endpoint to send user credentials to authenticate.
             * @default '/login'
            login: '/login',

             * The endpoint to destroy current user session.
             * @default '/logout'
            logout: '/logout',

             * The endpoint to fetch current user data.
             * @default '/api/user'
            user: '/api/user',

         * Behavior of the plugin redirects when user is authenticated or not.
        redirect: {
             * Determines whether to keep the requested route when redirecting after login.
             * @default false
            enableIntendedRedirect: false,

             * Path to redirect to when access requires user authentication.
             * If set to false, a 403 error is triggered.
             * @default '/login'
            loginPath: '/login',

             * URL to redirect to when guest access is required (user must not be authenticated).
             * If set to false, the plugin will throw an 403 error.
             * @default '/'
            guestOnlyRedirect: '/',

             * URL to redirect to after a successful login.
             * If set to false, no redirection occurs.
             * @default '/'
            redirectToAfterLogin: '/',

             * URL to redirect to after logout.
             * If set to false, no redirection occurs.
             * @default '/'
            redirectToAfterLogout: '/',

        middlewareNames: {
             * Middleware name for routes that require authentication.
             * @default '$auth'
            auth: '$auth',

             * Middleware name for routes that require the user to be a guest.
             * @default '$guest'
            guest: '$guest',

        // Sets the logging level: 1 for errors only, 3 for all logs
        logLevel: 3,

This configuration file provides a comprehensive setup for the nuxt-sanctum-authentication module, allowing you to customize how authentication is handled and how the module interacts with your application.